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3 years ago
# Deckerfile 环境变量测试
FROM AS EnvStudy
3 years ago
ENV Dockerfile_version=0.0.2
3 years ago
COPY WebApiPublish/ /app/
3 years ago
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "DockerStudyApi.dll"]
# docker build -f Dockerfile.ENV -t study.dockerfile.env.webapi:latest -t study.dockerfile.env.webapi:0.0.1 .
# docker run --rm -p 5051:80 -d --name study.dockerfile.env.webapi.run1 study.dockerfile.env.webapi
# 查看日志 docker logs contain_id -f //使用 -f 参数 实时输出ctl + c 退出(不影响容器运行)