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using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
namespace OptionStudy.UnitApp
/// <summary>
/// 5.1.3 读取结构化配置信息
/// </summary>
public class LoadStructuredConfigTest : IDisposable
private readonly ITestOutputHelper? testOutput;
public LoadStructuredConfigTest(ITestOutputHelperAccessor helperAccessor)
testOutput = helperAccessor.Output;
/// <summary>
/// 读取结构键值对配置
/// 关键点:以:分隔
/// </summary>
public void ReadKeyValue_Test()
var source = new Dictionary<string, string?>()
["AppName"] = "MemoryAppName",
["AppVersion"] = "",
["EMail:ReceiveAddress"] = "",
["EMail:Recipient"] = "memory",
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddInMemoryCollection(source).Build();
var appOption = new AppOption()
AppName = config["AppName"] ?? "",
AppVersion = config["AppVersion"] ?? "",
var emailConfig = config.GetSection("EMail");
var receiveMail = new ReceiveMailOption()
ReceiveAddress = emailConfig["ReceiveAddress"] ?? string.Empty,
Recipient = emailConfig["Recipient"] ?? string.Empty,
Assert.Equal("MemoryAppName", appOption.AppName);
Assert.Equal("", appOption.AppVersion);
Assert.Equal("", receiveMail.ReceiveAddress);
Assert.Equal("memory", receiveMail.Recipient);
public void Dispose()